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freeconnectionsystem.h File Reference

This header file declares the so-called FreeConnectionSystems. More...

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <simthetic/exceptions.h>
#include <simthetic/devicesystemintf.h>
#include <simthetic/basicsimulationsystem.h>

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namespace  simth

Detailed Description

This header file declares the so-called FreeConnectionSystems.

A FreeConnectionSystem exists by an arbitrary number of so-called device blocks (see Device). The input and output interfaces can be connected flexible by the help of a so-called connection file that specifies the connection between the interfaces of the devices. Until now, the only FreeConnectionSystem that is implemented is a StreamDrivenSystem declared in streamdrivensystem.h

Generated on Mon Aug 15 13:54:28 2005 for simthetic by  doxygen 1.4.1