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simth::CompatibleDevice Class Reference

DEPRECATED! Device class with lesser Constructor arguments. More...

#include <basicdevice.h>

Inheritance diagram for simth::CompatibleDevice:

simth::Device List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 CompatibleDevice (const PropertyList &pl=PropertyList())
void setID (int ID)
void setSystemPtr (DeviceSystemIntf *systemPtr)

Detailed Description

DEPRECATED! Device class with lesser Constructor arguments.

This class is deprecated. Do not use it for new code; instead, rather try to change the existing code so that devices are directly derived from simth::Device instead through this class.

Class derived from Device for compatibility reasons. This device class is only used for reasons of compatibility: old device classes took no identity (ID) number and no pointer to the simulation system as constructor arguments. Therefore CompatibleDevice can be constructed without these two arguments. NOTE: The ID number must(!) then be set after construction by calling the function setDeviceID(); the system pointer must be set by calling the function setSystemPtr.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

simth::CompatibleDevice::CompatibleDevice const PropertyList pl = PropertyList()  )  [inline]

Constructor of the compatible device.

This class is deprecated. Do not use it for new code; instead, rather try to change the existing code so that devices are directly derived from simth::Device instead through this class.

Member Function Documentation

void simth::CompatibleDevice::setID int  ID  ) 

Sets the (unique) identity number of the device in the current simulation run.

This class is deprecated. Do not use it for new code; instead, rather try to change the existing code so that devices are directly derived from simth::Device instead through this class.

void simth::CompatibleDevice::setSystemPtr DeviceSystemIntf systemPtr  ) 

Sets the pointer to the simulation system of the base class Device.

This class is deprecated. Do not use it for new code; instead, rather try to change the existing code so that devices are directly derived from simth::Device instead through this class.

Generated on Mon Aug 15 13:54:32 2005 for simthetic by  doxygen 1.4.1