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simth::ControlInterfaceTD< T, D > Class Template Reference

Control interface to wrap a function that takes one argument. More...

#include <controlinterface.h>

Inheritance diagram for simth::ControlInterfaceTD< T, D >:

simth::ControlInterfaceT< T > simth::ControlInterface List of all members.

Public Types

typedef void(D::* MEM_FUNCTION_ARG )(T arg)

Public Member Functions

 ControlInterfaceTD (D *dev, MEM_FUNCTION_ARG function)
void callFunc (T newValue)

Detailed Description

template<class T, class D>
class simth::ControlInterfaceTD< T, D >

Control interface to wrap a function that takes one argument.

The template argument D is used to specifiy the device that member function is wrapped by this control interface.

Member Typedef Documentation

template<class T, class D>
typedef void(D::* simth::ControlInterfaceTD< T, D >::MEM_FUNCTION_ARG)(T arg)

Function pointer to a member function that has one argument 'arg' of the template type T.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class T, class D>
simth::ControlInterfaceTD< T, D >::ControlInterfaceTD D *  dev,

Member Function Documentation

template<class T, class D>
void simth::ControlInterfaceTD< T, D >::callFunc newValue  )  [inline, virtual]

This function should invoke the function that is wrapped by this control interface.

newValue is taken as argument of the wrapped function

Implements simth::ControlInterfaceT< T >.

Generated on Mon Aug 15 13:54:35 2005 for simthetic by  doxygen 1.4.1