#include <signals.h>
Characteristics: Element access in this class always directly affects the elements of the referenced SignalSequenceStorage class. Resizing to a larger size is only possible if the derived class is a storage object, otherwise it will throw an exception. Resizing to a smaller size does not resize the referenced storage -- instead, the begin/end iterators in this class simply point to a smaller part of the referenced storage.
The referenced storage class. Reimplemented in simth::SignalSequence< Val, Attr, Cont >, simth::SignalSequenceAccess< Val, Attr, Cont >, and simth::LlvSeq. |
The referenced access class. Reimplemented in simth::SignalSequence< Val, Attr, Cont >, and simth::LlvSeq. |
Reimplemented in simth::SignalSequence< Val, Attr, Cont >, simth::SignalSequenceAccess< Val, Attr, Cont >, simth::SignalSequenceStorage< Val, Attr, Cont >, simth::LlvSeq, and simth::LlvSeqStorage. |
Reimplemented in simth::SignalSequence< Val, Attr, Cont >, simth::SignalSequenceAccess< Val, Attr, Cont >, simth::SignalSequenceStorage< Val, Attr, Cont >, simth::LlvSeq, and simth::LlvSeqStorage. |
Reimplemented in simth::SignalSequence< Val, Attr, Cont >, simth::SignalSequenceAccess< Val, Attr, Cont >, simth::SignalSequenceStorage< Val, Attr, Cont >, simth::LlvSeq, and simth::LlvSeqStorage. |
Reimplemented in simth::SignalSequence< Val, Attr, Cont >, simth::SignalSequenceAccess< Val, Attr, Cont >, simth::SignalSequenceStorage< Val, Attr, Cont >, simth::LlvSeq, and simth::LlvSeqStorage. |
Reimplemented in simth::SignalSequence< Val, Attr, Cont >, simth::SignalSequenceAccess< Val, Attr, Cont >, simth::SignalSequenceStorage< Val, Attr, Cont >, simth::LlvSeq, and simth::LlvSeqStorage. |
Reimplemented in simth::SignalSequence< Val, Attr, Cont >, simth::SignalSequenceAccess< Val, Attr, Cont >, simth::SignalSequenceStorage< Val, Attr, Cont >, simth::LlvSeq, and simth::LlvSeqStorage. |
Reimplemented in simth::SignalSequence< Val, Attr, Cont >, simth::SignalSequenceAccess< Val, Attr, Cont >, simth::SignalSequenceStorage< Val, Attr, Cont >, simth::LlvSeq, and simth::LlvSeqStorage. |
This constructor is used to create a shallow copy (or reference copy) of an already existing SignalSequence. This means that the newly created sequence does not allocate new memory for elements, but instead it works on a part of an already existing sequence. Hence the attributes of an object generated with this constructor are also an shallow copy of the original class. In other words, this constructor is always cheap. |
Copy constructor from another sequence. This object will point to the same underlying storage/deep copy than the given sequence. This constructor is cheap, too. |
Default destructor. (Pure virtual to force an abstract class.) |
Protected standard constructor that does not initalize the storage reference neither it does initialize the internal begin() and end() iterators. Hence the sequence is not ready to use after calling this constuctor without calling the function seek(iter1,iter2,storage). |
Deep Copy assignment from another sequence. WATCH OUT -- this may be an expensive operation, since every element is going to be copied. |
Direct Element access. For iterating through the sequence, you might consider using the iterators instead of this operator. |
Direct Element access. For iterating through the sequence, you might consider using the iterators instead of this operator. |
Returns the size of the sequence. This is always smaller or equal to the size of the referenced underlying storage object. |
Returns the capapcity of the sequence. The capacity is fixed to the initial size of the sequence. Since resizing the sequence is only possible to sizes smaller or equal the capacity, the capacity always exceeds or equals the size of the sequence. Reimplemented in simth::SignalSequenceStorage< Val, Attr, Cont >, and simth::LlvSeqStorage. |
Resize this sequence. Watch out:
Reimplemented in simth::SignalSequenceStorage< Val, Attr, Cont >, simth::LlvSeq, and simth::LlvSeqStorage. |
Set this sequence to point to a new start and end. It is the caller's responsibility that both given iterators belong to the sequence that belongs to this shallow copy |
Returns an iterator pointing to the start of this sequence. |
Returns a const iterator pointing to the start of this sequence. |
Returns an iterator pointing to the end of this sequence. |
Returns a const iterator pointing to the end of this sequence. |
Returns a reference to the attributes class of the sequence. Use this pointer obtain write access. If the referenced storage object holds a lock on the attributes, this function will throw an Error. (If you only need read access to the class use the function rAttributes().) Reimplemented in simth::SignalSequenceStorage< Val, Attr, Cont >, and simth::LlvSeqStorage. |
Returns a constant reference to the attributes class of the sequence. Use this pointer obtain read only access. (If you need write acces to the class use the function wAttributes(). Reimplemented in simth::SignalSequenceStorage< Val, Attr, Cont >, and simth::LlvSeqStorage. |
Returns true if the attributes are locked, otherwise false. |
Set this sequence to point to a new start and end. It is the caller's responsibility that both given iterators belong to the sequence storage is pointing at. |