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mimo::AwgnGenerator Class Reference

#include <arith.h>

Inheritance diagram for mimo::AwgnGenerator:

Inheritance graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 AwgnGenerator (int deviceID, simth::DeviceSystemIntf *system, const simth::PropertyList &pl=simth::PropertyList())
 ~AwgnGenerator ()
virtual void process ()
virtual void setSNR (double snr)
void updateInputLengths ()
void updateOutputLengths ()
void startOfSimulation ()

Related Functions

(Note that these are not member functions.)

 propertylist_AwgnGenerator (not_a_function)

Detailed Description

Device that adds complex gaussian noise to an complex input sequence.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

mimo::AwgnGenerator::AwgnGenerator int  deviceID,
simth::DeviceSystemIntf system,
const simth::PropertyList pl = simth::PropertyList()

mimo::AwgnGenerator::~AwgnGenerator  ) 

Member Function Documentation

virtual void mimo::AwgnGenerator::process  )  [virtual]

Implements simth::Device.

virtual void mimo::AwgnGenerator::setSNR double  snr  )  [virtual]

Sets the signal-to-noise ratio to the snr given in dB as argument. Hence, the linear signal-to-noise ratio is computed by 10^(snr/10). Since the noise power per quadrature component is assumed to be 0.5, the noise power is computed by snrLin*0.5 where snrLin is the linear signal-to-noise ratio.

void mimo::AwgnGenerator::updateInputLengths  )  [virtual]

Implements simth::Device.

void mimo::AwgnGenerator::updateOutputLengths  )  [virtual]

Implements simth::Device.

void mimo::AwgnGenerator::startOfSimulation  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from simth::Device.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

propertylist_AwgnGenerator not_a_function   )  [related]

These are the properties of class AwgnGenerator . This list is auto-generated from the XML-Devicelist of this device by means of an XSLT transformation script.

Description of this device in the XML file: Add AWGN noise to input signal

Note that this class also has the Properties of its base classes. The direct base class is simth::Device ; direct link to its propertylist should be propertylist_Device(). The list below usually includes the properties that have been inherited from the base classes; the properties which belong only to this class can be found at the end of this list.

<double>, default "0.0" -- The initial SNR in dB

<string>, default "" -- The name of the loopcontrol that sets the snr for this added noise. If this is left empty, then the SNR is unchanged during the simulation run and only the value from initial_snr is used.

<unsigned>, default "" -- Number of matrix rows

<unsigned>, default "" -- Number of matrix columns

4 properties in this class.

Generated on Tue Aug 9 14:43:23 2005 for mimolib by  doxygen 1.4.1