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simthlib::CmplFadingChannel Class Reference

#include <channel.h>

Inheritance diagram for simthlib::CmplFadingChannel:

Inheritance graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 CmplFadingChannel (int id, simth::DeviceSystemIntf *s, const simth::PropertyList &pl, fix_type fix=UNFIXED)
virtual ~CmplFadingChannel ()
void refresh ()
 determines new random transfer factors

Related Functions

(Note that these are not member functions.)

 propertylist_CmplFadingChannel (not_a_function)

Detailed Description

Channel with complex Rayleigh Fading, i.e. the amplitude is Rayleigh distributed and the phase is uniformly distributed, depending on the parameter $\sigma$.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

simthlib::CmplFadingChannel::CmplFadingChannel int  id,
simth::DeviceSystemIntf s,
const simth::PropertyList pl,
fix_type  fix = UNFIXED


virtual simthlib::CmplFadingChannel::~CmplFadingChannel  )  [virtual]


Member Function Documentation

void simthlib::CmplFadingChannel::refresh  )  [virtual]

determines new random transfer factors

Reimplemented from simthlib::FadingChannel.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

propertylist_CmplFadingChannel not_a_function   )  [related]

These are the properties of class CmplFadingChannel . This list is auto-generated from the XML-Devicelist of this device by means of an XSLT transformation script.

Description of this device in the XML file: Channel with complex Rayleigh Fading, i.e. the amplitude is Rayleigh distributed and the phase is uniformly distributed.

Note that this class also has the Properties of its base classes. The direct base class is simthlib::FadingChannel ; direct link to its propertylist should be propertylist_FadingChannel(). The list below usually includes the properties that have been inherited from the base classes; the properties which belong only to this class can be found at the end of this list.

<sequencelength>, default "-1" -- The length of the input sequence. '-1' means it will be determined dynamically at runtime.

<string>, default "" -- Name of the SNR loop variable in your simulation setup

<string>, default "" -- Name of the channel refresh loop variable in your simulation setup

3 properties in this class. The above properties have been inherited from the base class simthlib::Channel .

<string>, default "fading" -- The specific type of desired channel, i.e. the respective C++ class.

<double>, default "1.0" -- The scaling factor for the variation of the Rayleigh distribution of the transfer factors. This corresponds to the standard deviation (square root of variance) of the real and of the imaginary part, respectively.

2 properties in this class. The above properties have been inherited from the base class simthlib::FadingChannel .

<string>, default "cmpl_fading" -- The specific type of desired channel, i.e. the respective C++ class.

1 properties in this class.

Generated on Tue Aug 9 14:36:58 2005 for simtheticlib by  doxygen 1.4.1