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simthlib Namespace Reference


class  AbsDemodulator
class  AbsDemodulatorMapping
class  AbsDemodulatorMetric
class  QamDemodulator
class  PskDemodulator
 PSK Demodulator. More...
class  ApskDemodulator
 APSK Demodulator. More...
class  DummyDemodulator
class  RotPskDemodulator
 RotPskDemodulator rotates the symbols first and then detects them. To be used with RotAlamoutiEncoder/Decoder. More...
class  PwRotPskDemodulator
 PwRotPskDemodulator detects each two of the rotated pair of symbols jointly. To be used with RotAlamoutiEncoder/Decoder. More...
class  AdaptiveDemodulatorBase
class  AdaptiveDemodulator
class  MultilevelAdaptiveDemodulator
class  ModInfo
class  ModList
class  ExtendedModScheme
class  ExtendedModList
class  LoadingScheme
class  AdaptiveModulatorBase
class  AdaptiveModulator
class  MultilevelAdaptiveModulator
class  Add
 Base class for a general Adder block that adds the input samples together. More...
class  AddT
 Add block. More...
class  Multiply
 Base class for a general Multiply block. More...
class  MultiplyT
 Multiply implementation block. More...
class  InvertT
 Inversion of the input samples. More...
class  BitGenerator
class  Gray
class  StaticGray
class  MappingScheme
 symbol mapping More...
class  NaturalMapping
class  GrayMapping
class  GrayMapping2Dimension
class  PartitionedMappingRectangular
class  BlockDecoder
class  RSHardDecoder
class  ReedSolomonDecoder
class  BlockEncoder
class  ReedSol_init
class  ReedSolomonEncoder
class  Channel
class  IdealChannel
class  AWGNChannel
class  FadingChannel
class  CmplFadingChannel
class  WssusChannel
class  WssusChannelJakesUniform
class  WssusChannelDelayProfile
class  WssusChannelExpDelay
class  WssusChannelBU
class  WssusChannelHt
class  WssusChannelScattering
class  WssusChannelFreqTimeCorr
class  WssusChannelRA
 WSSUS channel for a rural area (COST). More...
class  WssusChannelTu
class  ChannelEstim
class  EstimSingleCarrier
class  EstimOFDM
class  ConverterT
 Converter. More...
class  CmplToReIm
 Convert Complex to Real/Imaginary scalars. More...
class  CmplToAbsArg
 Convert Complex to Abs/Phase scalars. More...
class  LlrToBit
 LlrToBit. More...
class  BitToLlr
class  LoadingInfoToAmpl
class  LoadingInfoToBits
class  Decoder
 Abstract base class for decoders with 'soft' decoding.. More...
class  StreamDecoder
class  TrellisDecoder
class  ConvDecoder
 Abstract base class of all kinds of convolutional decoders. More...
class  PunctConvDecoder
 A punctured convolutional decoder. More...
class  DelayProfile
class  ExponentialDelayProfile
 Random generator for exponentially distributed delay profiles. More...
class  BuDelayProfile
 Random generator for the delay of the COST BU (bad urban) channel model. More...
class  HtDelayProfile
 Random generator for the delay of the COST HT (hilly terrain) channel model. More...
class  UniformDelayProfile
 Uniform delay profile. More...
class  Demodulator
 Abstract base class of a Demodulator. More...
class  DiffDemodulator
class  DiffDemodulatorMapping
class  DiffDemodulatorMetric
class  DiffSubSeqDemodulatorMetric
class  DpskDemodulator
class  DpskDemodulatorQC
class  DpskDemodulatorDD
class  DpskDemDD_STD
class  DpskDemDD_AWGN
class  DpskDemDD_MIN
class  DpskDemDD_KARSTEN
class  DaskDemodulator
class  DaskDemodulatorQC
class  DaskDemodulatorDD
class  DaskDemDD_STD
class  Da_PskDemodulator
class  Displaypipe
class  DisplaypipeSeqT
class  Encoder
 abstract base class More...
class  ConvEncoder
 convolutional coder. More...
class  PunctConvEncoder
class  DapskEncoder
class  FastFourierTrans
class  Filter
class  FirFilter2D
class  SimthLibFactory
class  Interleaving
class  NoInterleaving
class  BlockInterleaving
class  SymbolInterleaving
class  Interleaving3d
class  Interleaving3dModified
class  PolyphaseInterleaving3d
class  PseudoRandomInterleaving
class  PseudoRandom3dInterleaving
class  PseudoRandomSymbolInterleaving
class  Interleaver
class  InterleaverT
class  Deinterleaver
class  DeinterleaverT
class  LogMapAlgorithmAbstract
class  MaxLogMap
class  MaxLogMapReduced
class  DummyDevice
class  Drainpipe
class  Filepipe
class  HistogramPipeT
class  CDFPipe
class  TransversalFilter
class  ConstellationDiagram
 Abstract base class for constellation diagrams. More...
class  QamConstellationDiagram
class  PhaseAmplitudeConstellationDiagram
class  PskConstellationDiagram
 PSK constellation diagram. More...
class  ApskConstellationDiagram
 APSK constellation diagram. More...
class  Modulator
 abstract base class of a modulator More...
class  AbsModulator
class  QamModulator
class  PskModulator
class  ApskModulator
class  DiffModulator
class  DiffSubSeqModulator
class  DaskModulator
 APSK modulator. More...
class  DpskModulator
 APSK modulator. More...
class  DapskModulator
 APSK modulator. More...
class  TransmissionMonitor
class  TransmissionMonitorFile
class  ErrorPositionMonitor
class  ErrorPositionPipe
class  TransmissionMonitorGnuplot
class  ErrorPositionMonitorGnuplot
class  Multiplexer
 Base class for a general Multiplexer/Demultiplexer. More...
class  MultiplexerT
 Multiplexer. More...
class  AdaptiveMultiplexerT
 AdaptiveMultiplexerT. More...
class  NoiseGenerator
class  BasebandAwgnGenerator
class  OfdmReceiver
 Abstract base class of an OFDM receiver. More...
class  OfdmReceiverNoEstimation
class  OfdmReceiverIdealEstimation
class  OfdmReceiverBce
class  Puncturing
class  Receiver
 Abstract base class of a receiver. More...
class  SingleCarrierReceiver
class  SoftoutDecoding
class  StreamSoftoutDecoding
class  StreamSoftoutDecodingTailbits
class  TrellisSoftoutDecoding
class  ConvSoftoutDecoding
class  SoftoutDAPSKDecoding
class  PunctConvSoftoutDecoding
class  SoftoutDecodingMaker
class  StreamSoftoutDecodingMaker
class  StreamSoftoutDecodingTailbitsMaker
class  TrellisSoftoutDecodingMaker
class  ConvSoftoutDecodingMaker
class  ConvSoftoutDecodingExplicitMaker
class  SoftoutDAPSKDecodingMaker
class  PunctConvSoftoutDecodingMaker
class  Sova
class  Transmitter
 Abstract base class of a Transmitter. More...
class  OfdmTransmitter
 This class represents a special Transmitter that bases on the OFDM technique. More...
class  SingleCarrierTransmitter
struct  TrellisPath
struct  TrellisBranch
class  Trellis
class  BestPolynomials
class  ShiftRegister
class  AbstractShiftRegisterBinary
class  ShiftRegisterBinary
class  ShiftRegisterSystematicBinary
class  ShiftRegisterM
class  ConvCodeTrellis
class  ConvCodeTrellisShiftRegister
class  ConvCodeTrellisExplicit
class  AdachiTrellis
 Trellis of a differential modulation scheme. More...
class  TrellisDecodingAlgorithm
class  TrellisSoftoutAlgorithm
class  Viterbi


namespace  Convert
namespace  Invert
namespace  ofdm
namespace  softoutdecoding
namespace  trellisdecoding
namespace  trellissoftout


class std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Channel &cha)


typedef Da_PskDemodulator DapskDemodulator
typedef simth::SymSeq SignalSamples


enum  loadingAlgorithm {
enum  map_type { GRAY, NATURAL, PARTITIONED }


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const AdaptiveDemodulator &demod)
void initAdaptiveDemodulator (const std::string fileName, simth::Device **dev, simth::DeviceSystemIntf *sysPtr, int ID, const std::string &regionQualifier="")
loadingAlgorithm string2loadingAlgorithm (const std::string &)
void initAdaptiveModulator (const std::string fileName, simth::Device **dev, simth::DeviceSystemIntf *sysPtr, int ID, const std::string &regionQualifier="")
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const AdaptiveModulator &mod)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const BitGenerator &bg)
map_type string2map_type (const std::string &s)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const MappingScheme &mapping)
class std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Decoder &cod)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Demodulator &demod)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Encoder &enc)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Interleaving &cod)
void initMiscDevice (const std::string filename, simth::Device **dev, simth::DeviceSystemIntf *sysPtr, int ID, const std::string &regionQualifier="")
void initMiscDevice (simth::DeviceFactory &registration)
void initFilter (const std::string filename, simth::Device **dev, simth::DeviceSystemIntf *sysPtr, int ID, const std::string &regionQualifier="")
class std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Modulator &mod)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Receiver &rcv)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Transmitter &tr)
class std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Trellis &trellis)

Detailed Description

-*-c++-*-**************************************************************** decoder.h - description ------------------- begin : Mit Mai 22 2002 copyright : (C) 2002 by Peter Haase email :

Typedef Documentation

typedef Da_PskDemodulator simthlib::DapskDemodulator

Class constructor; the number of bits per phase, the number of bits per amplitude and the amplitude factor are given as argument. (An amplitude addend that is used in other DAPSK modulator/Demodulator classes makes no sense for incoherent demodulation applied in this class.) Hence the amplitude of the i-th amplitude ring is is computed by: $a_i = f^i + i*0 = f^i$ where f is the amplitude Factor and A is the amplitude addend that equals zero here. The outType determines the type of the output sequence which could be a simth::Llv sequence or an simth::LLR_ sequence (see simth::LlvSeq and simth::LlrSeq)

typedef simth::SymSeq simthlib::SignalSamples

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum simthlib::adaptCriterion

Only for the Multilevel adaptive modulator: A type to distinguish between available adaptation criteria. The multilevel adaptive modulator (i.e. adaptive modulation together with multilevel coding) is a very specialized class that is probably only interesting for its author Mattias Lampe.

Enumeration values:

enum simthlib::loadingAlgorithm

A type to distinguish between the loading algorithms

Enumeration values:
DUMMY  same scheme on all carriers
CCB  Chow, Cioffi, Bingham.
SOFT_CCB  CCB with modified first stage.
SPLIT_CCB  Chow, Cioffi, Bingham within subsets of the subcarriers.

enum simthlib::map_type

Mapping for modulation symbols. Natural mapping is identical with mapping by set partitioning in the case of a one-dimensional modulation scheme.

Enumeration values:
GRAY  Gray mapping for up to 256 states.
NATURAL  Natural mapping.
PARTITIONED  Mapping by set partitioning.

Function Documentation

void initAdaptiveDemodulator const std::string  fileName,
simth::Device **  dev,
simth::DeviceSystemIntf sysPtr,
int  ID,
const std::string &  regionQualifier = ""

void initAdaptiveModulator const std::string  fileName,
simth::Device **  dev,
simth::DeviceSystemIntf sysPtr,
int  ID,
const std::string &  regionQualifier = ""

void initFilter const std::string  filename,
simth::Device **  dev,
simth::DeviceSystemIntf sysPtr,
int  ID,
const std::string &  regionQualifier = ""

void initMiscDevice simth::DeviceFactory registration  ) 

void initMiscDevice const std::string  filename,
simth::Device **  dev,
simth::DeviceSystemIntf sysPtr,
int  ID,
const std::string &  regionQualifier = ""

class class std::ostream& operator<< std::ostream &  os,
const Trellis &  trellis

class std::ostream& operator<< std::ostream &  os,
const Transmitter &  tr

class std::ostream& operator<< std::ostream &  os,
const Receiver &  rcv

class class std::ostream& operator<< std::ostream &  os,
const Modulator &  mod

class std::ostream& operator<< std::ostream &  os,
const Interleaving &  cod

class std::ostream& operator<< std::ostream &  os,
const Encoder &  enc

class std::ostream& operator<< std::ostream &  os,
const Demodulator &  demod

class class std::ostream& operator<< std::ostream &  os,
const Decoder &  cod

class class std::ostream& operator<< std::ostream &  os,
const Channel &  cha

class std::ostream& operator<< std::ostream &  os,
const MappingScheme &  mapping

class std::ostream& operator<< std::ostream &  os,
const BitGenerator &  bg

class std::ostream& operator<< std::ostream &  os,
const AdaptiveModulator &  mod

class std::ostream& operator<< std::ostream &  os,
const AdaptiveDemodulator &  demod

loadingAlgorithm string2loadingAlgorithm const std::string &   ) 

map_type string2map_type const std::string &  s  ) 

Conversion of the string values into the map_type values

Generated on Tue Aug 9 14:36:17 2005 for simtheticlib by  doxygen 1.4.1