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simthlib::PhaseAmplitudeConstellationDiagram Class Reference

#include <modulationschemes.h>

Inheritance diagram for simthlib::PhaseAmplitudeConstellationDiagram:

Inheritance graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 PhaseAmplitudeConstellationDiagram (int bitsPerAmpl, int bitsPerPhase)
virtual ~PhaseAmplitudeConstellationDiagram ()
int bitsPerAmpl () const
int numAmplitudes () const
int bitsPerPhase () const
int numPhases () const
virtual double deltaPhase () const
double getPhase (unsigned symbolIndex) const
double getAmplitude (unsigned symbolIndex) const
int getSymbolIndex (int amplIndex, int phaseIndex) const
int getAmplIndex (int symbolIndex) const
int getPhaseIndex (int symbolIndex) const

Protected Member Functions

virtual void setComplSymbols (int symbolIndex, simth::Complex newValue)
void setDeltaPhase (double newDeltaPhase)


struct  PolarComplex

Detailed Description

Base class for every constellation diagram whose symbols are each defined by a certain phase and amplitude. (e.g. PSK or APSK). Derived classes have to specified the points in the constellation diagram by defining the (pure) virtual function initComplSymbols().

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

simthlib::PhaseAmplitudeConstellationDiagram::PhaseAmplitudeConstellationDiagram int  bitsPerAmpl,
int  bitsPerPhase

virtual simthlib::PhaseAmplitudeConstellationDiagram::~PhaseAmplitudeConstellationDiagram  )  [virtual]

Member Function Documentation

int simthlib::PhaseAmplitudeConstellationDiagram::bitsPerAmpl  )  const [inline]

int simthlib::PhaseAmplitudeConstellationDiagram::bitsPerPhase  )  const [inline]

virtual double simthlib::PhaseAmplitudeConstellationDiagram::deltaPhase  )  const [inline, virtual]

Returns the phase difference between two (in phase direction) neighbouring complex symbols.

int simthlib::PhaseAmplitudeConstellationDiagram::getAmplIndex int  symbolIndex  )  const [inline]

Returns the amplitde index that corresponds to the symbol index given as argument.

double simthlib::PhaseAmplitudeConstellationDiagram::getAmplitude unsigned  symbolIndex  )  const [inline]

Returns the amplitude (norm) of the complex symbol corresponding to the given symbol index.

double simthlib::PhaseAmplitudeConstellationDiagram::getPhase unsigned  symbolIndex  )  const [inline]

Returns the phase of the complex symbol corresponding to the given symbol index.

int simthlib::PhaseAmplitudeConstellationDiagram::getPhaseIndex int  symbolIndex  )  const [inline]

Returns the phase index that corresponds to the symbol index given as argument.

int simthlib::PhaseAmplitudeConstellationDiagram::getSymbolIndex int  amplIndex,
int  phaseIndex
const [inline]

Returns the symbol index that corresponds to the amplitude and phase index given as arguments.

int simthlib::PhaseAmplitudeConstellationDiagram::numAmplitudes  )  const [inline]

int simthlib::PhaseAmplitudeConstellationDiagram::numPhases  )  const [inline]

virtual void simthlib::PhaseAmplitudeConstellationDiagram::setComplSymbols int  symbolIndex,
simth::Complex  newValue
[protected, virtual]

void simthlib::PhaseAmplitudeConstellationDiagram::setDeltaPhase double  newDeltaPhase  )  [protected]

Generated on Tue Aug 9 14:38:37 2005 for simtheticlib by  doxygen 1.4.1