These are the properties of class TransmissionMonitor . This list is auto-generated from the XML-Devicelist of this device by means of an XSLT transformation script.
Description of this device in the XML file: Base class of all classes used to analyze and compare bit (or simth::LLR) streams of a simulation system. (FIXME: needs updating) E.g. count bit errors, display the bit error rate (BER) thru a given x-value range (e.g. the SNR range) or to display the position of bit errors. To do so, you have to connect a (double) loop variable (see loopvariables.h in the Simthetic documentation), for example a loop variable representing the SNR-range, with the first control interface of this device. This is simply done by adding the item 'x1_loop: snr'. Additionaly, it is a possible to repeat that for another, called x2 value.
Note that this class also has the Properties of its base classes. The direct base class is simth::Device ; direct link to its propertylist should be propertylist_Device(). The list below usually includes the properties that have been inherited from the base classes; the properties which belong only to this class can be found at the end of this list.
<enum> , default "bit_bit" -- The input type combination: Either bits are compared against bits, or bits are compared against LLR values, so that implicitly the LLR values will be hard-decided.
<string> , default "SNR_loop" -- The name of the snr loop.
<string> , default "" -- The name of the optional second x-value loop.
<unsigned> , default "" -- The minimum number of bits to be transmitted. (This property has highest precedence compared to max_bits and min_bit_errors.)
<unsigned> , default "0" -- The maximum number of bits to be transmitted. The current transmission will be terminated after at least this number of bits has been transmitted, but only if at least min_bits bits have been transmitted as well. (This property comes after min_bits in precedence, but before min_bit_errors.)
<unsigned> , default "10000" -- If set, then terminate the current transmission prematurely as soon as this number of bit errors have been received, but only if at least min_bits bits have been transmitted as well. WATCH OUT: Dont use this option when refresh_loop is greater than one, or your results will be totally skewed! See also the page The duration of a typical digital communcications simulation. (This property has smaller precedence than both min_bits and max_bits.)
<string> , default "none" -- If set, name of the refresh loop of the channel. If set, will enable recording of one BER value at each realization of the channel instead of only the average over all realizations at one SNR.
<bool> , default "false" -- If true, then calculate the actual mean and variance of the BER at each realization over all realizations of one SNR value. If false, then print one line of output for each realization. If the property 'refresh' is unset, then this property has no effect.
<sequencelength> , default "-1" -- The input size. -1 means undefined.
<string> , default "" -- [Obsolete. Only for compatibility with old parameter files.] The name of the first x-value loop. Either this or the property 'snr' (which is just an alias) has to be set.
<bool> , default "false" -- [OBSOLETE - only needed for non-factory-function creation of this object.] If true then this device is a pipe and not a (terminating) monitor.
11 properties in this class. |