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mimo::WSSUSChannel2::PathParam Class Reference

#include <wssuschannel2.h>

List of all members.

Public Attributes

double phase
 Initial phase of the transfer factor.
int delay
 Delay of this path.
double ampl

Detailed Description

Parameters for one single path, out of the many paths in the WSSUS models.

Member Data Documentation

double mimo::WSSUSChannel2::PathParam::phase

Initial phase of the transfer factor.

During transmission, this variable is continuously updated after each time sample during transmission. I.e., it will then hold the instantaneous phase instead of the initial phase.

int mimo::WSSUSChannel2::PathParam::delay

Delay of this path.

double mimo::WSSUSChannel2::PathParam::ampl

Amplitude of this path. Usually this is assumed to be one, but it does not have to be this way.

Generated on Tue Aug 9 14:44:36 2005 for mimolib by  doxygen 1.4.1