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simthlib::PunctConvDecoder Class Reference

A punctured convolutional decoder. More...

#include <decoder.h>

Inheritance diagram for simthlib::PunctConvDecoder:

Inheritance graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 PunctConvDecoder (int deviceID, simth::DeviceSystemIntf *system, const simth::PropertyList &pl, int codeRateNumerator, int codeRateDenumerator, int mem, int inbits, int outbits)
 PunctConvDecoder (int deviceID, simth::DeviceSystemIntf *system, const simth::PropertyList &pl, int codeRateNumerator, int codeRateDenumerator, int inbitsPerStep, const simth::checkedVector< int > &polynomials, const int recursivePolynomial, bool systematic)
 PunctConvDecoder (int deviceID, simth::DeviceSystemIntf *system, const simth::PropertyList &pl)
 PunctConvDecoder (int deviceID, simth::DeviceSystemIntf *system, const simth::PropertyList &pl, const std::string &puncturingPattern, int inbitsPerStep, const simth::checkedVector< int > &polynomials, const int recursivePolynomial, bool systematic)
virtual ~PunctConvDecoder ()
virtual void updateInputLengths ()
virtual void updateOutputLengths ()
virtual int getDataLength (int codedLength) const
virtual int getCodeLength (int rawLength) const
virtual void decode (const simth::LlrSeq &llr, simth::BitSeq &bsout)
virtual void decode (const simth::BitSeq &bsin, simth::BitSeq &bsout)
virtual void decode (const simth::LlvSeq &llv, simth::BitSeq &bsout)
void setPuncturing (const std::string &newPuncturePattern)

Protected Attributes


Related Functions

(Note that these are not member functions.)

 propertylist_PunctConvDecoder (not_a_function)

Detailed Description

A punctured convolutional decoder.

This class simulates a convolutional coder. A particular coder is determined by the memory length, the number of input bits and the number of output bits. These parameters are passed as arguments of the constructor.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

simthlib::PunctConvDecoder::PunctConvDecoder int  deviceID,
simth::DeviceSystemIntf system,
const simth::PropertyList pl,
int  codeRateNumerator,
int  codeRateDenumerator,
int  mem,
int  inbits,
int  outbits

Class constructor.

deviceID ID of this device
system Pointer to parent simulation system
pl Property list of this device
codeRateNumerator FIXME: add doc
codeRateDenumerator FIXME: add doc
mem Memory length of the coder
inbits number of input bits per step
outbits number of output bits per step

simthlib::PunctConvDecoder::PunctConvDecoder int  deviceID,
simth::DeviceSystemIntf system,
const simth::PropertyList pl,
int  codeRateNumerator,
int  codeRateDenumerator,
int  inbitsPerStep,
const simth::checkedVector< int > &  polynomials,
const int  recursivePolynomial,
bool  systematic

simthlib::PunctConvDecoder::PunctConvDecoder int  deviceID,
simth::DeviceSystemIntf system,
const simth::PropertyList pl

Constructor for factory function

simthlib::PunctConvDecoder::PunctConvDecoder int  deviceID,
simth::DeviceSystemIntf system,
const simth::PropertyList pl,
const std::string &  puncturingPattern,
int  inbitsPerStep,
const simth::checkedVector< int > &  polynomials,
const int  recursivePolynomial,
bool  systematic

virtual simthlib::PunctConvDecoder::~PunctConvDecoder  )  [virtual]

Member Function Documentation

virtual void simthlib::PunctConvDecoder::decode const simth::LlvSeq llv,
simth::BitSeq bsout

Performs a maximum likelihood sequence estimation of the data sequence based on the log-likelihood values of the given (the received) modulation symbols (soft decision decoding)

Reimplemented from simthlib::TrellisDecoder.

virtual void simthlib::PunctConvDecoder::decode const simth::BitSeq bsin,
simth::BitSeq bsout

Decodes a bit sequence (hard decision decoding).

Reimplemented from simthlib::TrellisDecoder.

virtual void simthlib::PunctConvDecoder::decode const simth::LlrSeq llr,
simth::BitSeq bsout

Decode a (punctured) bit sequence and depuncture it.

Reimplemented from simthlib::TrellisDecoder.

virtual int simthlib::PunctConvDecoder::getCodeLength int  rawLength  )  const [virtual]

Returns the length of a coded bit sequence which is generated by the coder from a raw data sequence of the given length.

rawLength length of the data sequence
allocated length of the coded sequence

Reimplemented from simthlib::TrellisDecoder.

virtual int simthlib::PunctConvDecoder::getDataLength int  codedLength  )  const [virtual]

Returns the length of a data bit sequence which is encoded by the coder from a coded bit sequence of the given length

codedLength length of the coded sequence
allocated length of the encoded data sequence

Reimplemented from simthlib::TrellisDecoder.

void simthlib::PunctConvDecoder::setPuncturing const std::string &  newPuncturePattern  ) 

virtual void simthlib::PunctConvDecoder::updateInputLengths  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from simthlib::StreamDecoder.

virtual void simthlib::PunctConvDecoder::updateOutputLengths  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from simthlib::StreamDecoder.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

propertylist_PunctConvDecoder not_a_function   )  [related]

These are the properties of class PunctConvDecoder . This list is auto-generated from the XML-Devicelist of this device by means of an XSLT transformation script.

Description of this device in the XML file: Punctured binary convolutional decoder. Specify this by the polynomial (e.g. '1' for uncoded transmission and '171 133' for the HiperLAN/2 code) and the puncturing rate.

Note that this class also has the Properties of its base classes. The direct base class is simthlib::ConvDecoder ; direct link to its propertylist should be propertylist_ConvDecoder(). The list below usually includes the properties that have been inherited from the base classes; the properties which belong only to this class can be found at the end of this list.

<sequencelength>, default "" --

1 properties in this class. The above properties have been inherited from the base class simthlib::Decoder .

<unsigned>, default "1" -- The number of input bits per step. (Usually this is left at 1.) FIXME: Document me!

<vector_octal_int>, default "" -- The sequence of forward polynomials specifying the code, in octal notation. For an uncoded sequence, this is '1'. For HiperLAN/2, this is '171 133'.

<octal_int>, default "0" -- The recursive polynomial in octal notation (equals 0 for non recursive codes)

<bool>, default "false" -- If true a systematic part is considered

4 properties in this class. The above properties have been inherited from the base class simthlib::ConvDecoder .

<unsigned>, default "1" -- The numerator for the code rate fraction.

<unsigned>, default "1" -- The denumerator for the code rate fraction, i.e. for code rate 1/2 this is '2'.

2 properties in this class.

Member Data Documentation

Puncturing* simthlib::PunctConvDecoder::usedPuncturing [protected]

Generated on Tue Aug 9 14:37:31 2005 for simtheticlib by  doxygen 1.4.1